bitter and sweet

This is one of the most authentic pieces I have read in a while. #lemonade #bittersweet #sweettea #homegrown #beyonce #session #exhale #sidechick #wife #marriage #affair #love

the r district

my husband cheated. got the side chick pregnant. denied the affair. i kicked him out of our home. he kept the baby a secret for a year. i started over with myself and children. there, i said it. beyonce’s new album “lemonade” could not have come at a better time. i’ve been contemplating writing a post on the topic of my divorce, the journey of forgiveness, and my eventual deliverance. then i’m hit with news of a may wedding featuring my ex-husband and………. guess who?

fyi: de-liv-er-ance

  1. the act of delivering or the condition being delivered.
  2. rescue from bondage or danger.
  3. a publicly expressed opinion or judgement, such as the verdict of a jury.
  4. rescue from moral corruption or evil; salvation.

at times i have difficulty articulating exactly how i’m feeling. trying to translate my thoughts, which are complex beyond comprehension, has been a challenge. but this album happened. watching…

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